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Pomodoros for Watch | App Store
Key Features #
Set the timer by turning the Digital Crown #
When starting the first 25-minute work session, turn the Digital Crown to set the timer to 25 minutes. The Pomodoro timer originally referred to a tomato-shaped timer that required manual winding to set the time. I wanted to replicate this on the Apple Watch, so I included this feature. Note that you only need to turn the Digital Crown once at the beginning, and you can start the timer with a single button tap thereafter.
Get notified of the timer’s completion with sound and vibration #

When the timer runs out, it emits sound and vibration, and you need to press a button to stop it. This allows you to be aware of the transition between work and break sessions.
Take a longer break after four 25-minute work sessions with 5-minute breaks #
This feature is based on the original Pomodoro Technique. I’ve included a counter in the upper left corner to keep track of the number of sessions.

Compatible with complications #
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I support complications on the watch face so you can check the remaining time even when the app is not open.
Comparison with Competitors #
Flat Tomato #
- While Flat Tomato has task management features, Pomodoros for Watch is focused solely on Pomodoro timer functionality and therefore does not implement task management features.
- Flat Tomato sends a notification when the timer runs out, but this can be missed or ignored. Pomodoros for Watch emits sound and vibration when the timer runs out, and you need to press a button to stop it, allowing you to be aware of the transition between work and break sessions.
- Flat Tomato has an automatic timer start feature, but this makes it difficult to be aware of the transition between work and break sessions. With Pomodoros for Watch, you can press a button to start work or break sessions and be aware of the transition.
LockinTimer #
Apple Watch向けポモドーロアプリ、筆者が自ら作りました! こだわり&使い方を解説
- LockinTimer requires you to specify the number of Pomodoro sessions beforehand, which is not necessary with Pomodoros for Watch.
- LockinTimer sends a notification when the timer runs out, but this can be missed or ignored. Pomodoros for Watch emits sound and vibration when the timer runs out, and you need to press a button to stop it, allowing you to be aware of the transition between work and break sessions.